
An experience Software Testing professional with skill set of efficient planning, strategy making & abilities to accelerate the project growth. Expertise in creating, managing and executing test case operations with key focus on top line profitability through good knowledge of testing and tools. I got the opportunity to learn different methodologies of workflow like traditional SDLC format, Agile format. Apart from that I’ve got a chance to work on different flavor of applications like web, window and Mobile application testing

  1. Hanna Glenn says:

    My name is Hanna Glenn and I am the Marketing and PR director with Gorilla Logic–the founder and creator of Gorilla Logic. I am so happy to see such an active discussion centered around MonkeyTalk. Were you drawn to our testing tool for professional or personal (or both) curiosity? I am always eager to hear thoughts on MonkeyTalk/CloudMonkey and how we can perhaps improve our visibility in the testing community. Any insight you or your followers have to share would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks so much for this fantastic site!

    Hanna Glenn

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